We help to find your
hidden dominant
intelligence without
stressful psychological
test within 30 minutes.

Multiple Intelligences Go To School...

Reasons To Identify Multiple Intelligences

At very early ages children begin to show natural ability or preferences. Taking note of what a child chooses to do in his/her spare time can tell a great deal about the child. Observation of each student is not always possible in determining dominant intelligences. Multiple Intelligences Research Centre developed the test known as Multiple Intelligences Picture Test. It uses pictures to identify dominant intelligences. It is important to satisfy one’s dominant intelligences. Most people work, learn, and enjoy life more when their dominant intelligence is satisfied. In this context, it is therefore paramount that every child should be tested on Multiple Intelligences so that child can concentrate and learn more effectively.

Necessity of Multiple Intelligences Test

Our Philosophy


Children should be offered a choice in various methods to demonstrate their 'WAYS OF KNOWING'. However, coming up with fair assessments that truly allow students to demonstrate their mastery various ways is challenging. We try to incorporate the idea of multiple intelligence testing into 'No Child Left Behind Policy'. We believe that we can no longer sit idly by and hope that today's education system will fix itself. Children are being left behind every day. So we have pledged to help every child to finish his or her finish line.

Introducing Multiple Intelligences Picture Test

...which discovers your hidden dominant intelligence without stressful psychological tests to find your unique and successful career path.

✓ User Friendly

It is well-designed and easy to use. The test is an entirely computer operating system which is very user-friendly. It is easy to learn or understand.

✓ Online MIPT:

The student can take the test from any place at any time on desktops, laptops, mobile phones, or tablet.

✓ Language & Culture Fair

The test is equally fair to all cultural groups. There is no bias in the use of a test. The test can be administered to anyone, from any nation, and speaking any language.

✓ Instant Result

Our online software is developed with the latest technology to get instant results after completing the test.

Multiple Intelligence Picture Test

Types of Multiple Intelligences

Click To Know More...

Verbal-Linguistic Intelligence

Your potential to think in words and to understand how language is used effectively.

It's to do with the skills of reading, writing, speaking and listening and using them to describe, inform and persuade. You see this intelligence in lawyers and politicians when they are trying to influence or convince others. It was used quite a lot to launch the National Literacy and Numeracy strategies.

Logical-Mathematical Intelligence

Your potential to think logically and to reason about the connections between objects, actions and ideas.

It's to do with thinking in straight lines - if-then thinking; knowing about cause and effect. This intelligence gives you the skills to create strategies, to explore, examine and work things out and score well in IQ tests.

Bodily-Kinesthetic Intelligence

Your potential to think in movements and to use your body.

It's to do with your ability to control your body and to control things with it. This means sport, dance, art, craft and brain surgery.

Musical Intelligence

Your potential to think in sounds and to understand how music is made, performed and appreciated.

It's to do with recognizing how things such as rhythm, pitch, timbre and tone work together. You can show this by composing, singing or playing an instrument, and by appreciating other people singing and playing instruments.

Visual-Spatial Intelligence

Your potential to think in images and to understand how objects fit and move together in the real world.

It's to do with seeing things and being able to recall, change and express what you see. This could be anything from taking a photograph, to painting a favorite memory or daydream. It's also about knowing how things fit together and how they move in relation to each other - using a map, assembling or arranging furniture, remembering where you parked your car.

Inter-Personal Intelligence

Your potential to think about other people and to understand the relationships you have with them.

It's to do with your knowledge of how people behave and your use of this to get along with them effectively.

Intra-Personal Intelligence

Your potential to think about yourself and to reflect on your thoughts, feelings and actions.

It's to do with how well you know yourself and what you do with the knowledge. This intelligence gives you the skills to set your goals; to work towards them realistically; and to consider the 'you’ part of your relationships with others.

Naturalistic Intelligence

Your potential to think about and understand the natural world.

It's to do with your ability to recognize and classify plants and animals and other aspects of your environment. It's about appreciating nature - weather systems, lakes, rivers, farms - and buildings, cars and people. And there's more to it than going camping every weekend.

Benefits of the Test

  • Pre-requisites in guidance and counseling.
  • Better understand a student’s strengths and weaknesses.
  • Create more well-defined career paths.
  • Understanding of the problematic behaviors among students.
  • Employee selection and promotion.
  • Measure a student’s strongest intelligence.

Famous Dominant Intelligences

Our Message To You!

  • Don’t try to be excellent in all fields.
  • Focus on your strong intelligence.
  • Never hide your strong intelligence.
  • Never compare yourself to others.
  • Spend your resources judiciously: Time, money, and effort.

Multiple Intelligence Picture Test

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