Multiple Intelligences Research Center

This research center is an establishment founded to research Multiple Intelligences. It is specialized in basic research or may be oriented to applied research towards Multiple Intelligences. The center’s primary focus is facilitating high-quality and translatable research and counseling. Several of the research initiatives have been inter-institutional and multi-disciplinary. The thrust areas of research continue to be:
1. To provide an opportunity for school-going children to know their multiple intelligences.
2. To ensure the retention of existing students and to attract enrolment of eligible students.
3. To enhance the capacities of teachers to teach school children through training and necessary support.
4. To create awareness about multiple intelligences among the teachers and parents on the importance of multiple intelligences in their children’s education.
5. To involve the government and other local bodies in taking the multiple intelligences approach to every school-going child.

Development of Multiple Intelligences Tests/Scales

In social science research and educational settings, psychological tests/scales are increasingly used because of their reliability and the ease and speed of gathering, comparing, and differentiating data. A new test is usually created when instruments or questionnaires to measure the construct of interest are not readily available or if existing questionnaires do not fully satisfy requirements. Understanding and assessing a person’s behavior usually requires in-depth interaction with or observation of the person over a period of time. We can also get information about the person from those in constant contact with them or from their records. A quicker method is to get the answers from them directly through self-report. They can answer self-report questions based on past behavior or possible responses to various imagined situations. These questions can give a sample of the person’s behavior. Tests are also translated and revalidated if they do not serve the purpose. This center takes steps in developing, validating, and using tests in the field of education and counseling. Till now, It has produced several editions of the Multiple Intelligences test.


The center has many books on Psychology, Statistics, and exclusive books on Multiple Intelligences. It has high-speed internet and other facilities for online resources. It is also in the process to publish books and research papers.

Reference Books



The research center provides internships for interested students. An internship is a professional learning experience that offers meaningful, practical work related to a student’s field of study or career interest. An internship allows a student career exploration and development and to learn new skills. It offers the employer the opportunity to bring new ideas and energy into the workplace, develop talent and potentially build a pipeline for future full-time employees. A quality internship: • Consists of a part-time or full-time work schedule that includes no more than 25% clerical or administrative duties. • Provides a clear job/project description for the work experience. • Orients the student to the organization, its culture, and proposed work assignments.

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